Agence de voyage, gite Petite Marmotte Mongolie i Ulaanbaatar

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MongolietAgence de voyage, gite Petite Marmotte Mongolie



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Ikh Toiruu, Sukhbaatar district, Building 10, door entry 1, floor 7, flat, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 7011 0302
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.92861, Longitude: 106.915925

kommentar 5

  • Pilley Victor

    Pilley Victor


    Guest cover just exceptional. The place is authentic and warm. The manager is very helpful and he is not stingy with advice. On the contrary. He knows how to help you to make a great trip and perfectly adapted in wild places while guaranteeing (by his advices and taken care of) your security. Personally, it helped me to realize a dream. Thanks to Vincent, Hose, and all the team of the little groundhog!

  • Matthieu Mussard

    Matthieu Mussard


    I spent one night in the guest house. The place is very clean and well organized. The dorm beds are clean and comfortable. The manager can also organize taxis to the airport, bus station.

  • Fred Rivière

    Fred Rivière


    Essential if you want to enjoy Mongolia. The place is great, clean, comfortable and friendly. And Vincent is extremely available, friendly and really takes care of his guests (excellent advice, prepares excursions). We weren't able to spend as much time with him as we would have liked but we hope it will only be postponed.

  • Roman Devouassoux

    Roman Devouassoux


    A must. Circuit at the top, hospitality at the top, accommodation at the top. And more in an incredible atmosphere. Thank you Vincent.

  • mathieu dessaigne

    mathieu dessaigne


    Hostel well located, not expensive. We felt at home there. Vincent is always there to help, organize tailor-made treks or give advice (allow a few minutes in front of you). We loved it and we will come back with pleasure

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