Bayanzurh Police i Ulaanbaatar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MongolietBayanzurh Police


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Энхтайваны Өргөн Чөлөө, Ulaanbaatar, Bayanzurkh, MN Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 9494 5412
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.9157056, Longitude: 106.9647287

kommentar 1

  • Nir Passi

    Nir Passi


    If your in an accident you should get familiar with the process, first don't move the car you drive in, second call local police. The police man will come and decide what happened. If the guy that involves in the accident does not agree to pay on the damages the police man will take the driver license and will ask you to go to 👮 police station. Now take your time... couse probably it will take hours until the police man will arrive to the station. Mostly there will be no officer with high rank in that station, so take a lot of patience. At the end they will send you next street do decide what is the price of damage. Then the other side will have to commit to pay and you will go, back tiered. Don't worrie if you need help just call to local lawyer or ask me, maybe until then I'll have a local adv licence... Hope I help the next one. 😉

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