Best Western Gobi's Kelso i Улаанбаатар

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MongolietBest Western Gobi's Kelso


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Bayangol 4th Khoroo Jasrai Street, Улаанбаатар 16051, Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 7736 3636
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Latitude: 47.9102778, Longitude: 106.8766667

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Spatzierath

    Daniel Spatzierath


    The hotel is part of the Best Western franchise. It's located in a quiet neighborhood a bit away from things. The staff does a good job. The room is clean, and the restaurant has plenty of options. For a budget hotel, it checks a lot of boxes.

  • Slobodan Kadić

    Slobodan Kadić


    It was very strange stay. I do not know why this place is Best Western property?

  • ChakhuundorjMMTA SugarJJDTA

    ChakhuundorjMMTA SugarJJDTA


    nice clean place. 3km far from city center

  • Adam Atkinson

    Adam Atkinson


    It's ok. The girl at the front desk was super helpful, spoke excellent English and helped us order pizza to be delivered. My aircon didn't work and the showerhead was missing but the breakfast was decent. We paid about $60 USD/night, which seems like a fair price but I wouldn't pay a dollar more. Also, the location sucks.

  • Steven Clegg

    Steven Clegg


    Love this place! It's half the cost of the downtown Best Western but the service and quality are comparable. The location is a bit out of the main downtown area and there are fewer amenities locally. However, the guest services are more attentive and the food I found much better. I definitely recommend them!

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