Dream Grill Restaurant i Choir

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MongolietDream Grill Restaurant



🕗 åbningstider

Choir, Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 9900 1517
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 46.3506846, Longitude: 108.383835

kommentar 5

  • Finlay M

    Finlay M


    Visited this last week with my 3.5 children and 17 wives. The experience was quite enjoyable however it was slightly ruined by me coughing up blood due to the carling virus. I believe I contracted this from your food which even though it was extremely tasty had a hint of Budweiser in and so caused me to beat my wives and kids.

  • John Cameron

    John Cameron


    Best stop on the main road south... menu varies according to available foods, but friendly service, clean dining room and restrooms, and locals are welcoming.

  • Bill Beato

    Bill Beato


    Wonderful sexual experiences in the mens room. Who knew this place was so good for cruising. Don't forget to check the hanky code.

  • nyamdavaa



    Probably best choice in the area. Decent selection of Mongolian, European and Asian food. They have selection good COFFEE!!! It's important especially if you are the driver of the group! Only negative is they work from 9:00-24:00! All the other drive thrus will have only Instant coffee!

  • Matt Collett

    Matt Collett


    I stumbled across this place and thought id give it a try as i have been in the area for a month. Lovely food and friendly staff. Highly recommended.

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