Есүс Христийн Хожмын Үеийн Гэгээнтнүүдийн Сүм i Ulaanbaatar

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MongolietЕсүс Христийн Хожмын Үеийн Гэгээнтнүүдийн Сүм


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Tokyo Street, Ulaanbaatar, Bayanzurkh, MN Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 7016 0728
internet side: mn.churchofjesuschrist.org
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 47.9200735, Longitude: 106.934803

kommentar 5

  • Tserennyam Sukhbaatar

    Tserennyam Sukhbaatar


    This is the headquarter and chapel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Mongolia. One of the exemplary buildings of the town. It has a great parking for visitors. It is free as usual. This church always recommends free parking for the community throughout the world. They have free wi-fi but you have to ask for access. They offer free English Speaking, Self-Reliance and Addiction recovery classes. Also, they offer family history & genealogy training, and variety of youth program for free. Of course, they have weekly Sunday gathering. Usually starts at 10am on Sundays. Very nice guys, and always helpful. They have public restroom for free while you can't access public restroom much in the city. By the way, very clean inside, outside and overall. If you need any help while you travel, you may get some help from these guys... you can feel a true love of Christ.

  • PHM



    i nutted in the bathroom

  • star mega

    star mega


    Im not really into church. But this place made me feel comportable at its best. And the place is popular around the world so its a must to check it out if you're from other countries

  • Andrew Scrimsher

    Andrew Scrimsher


    Awesome place all the people were very friendly and welcoming!

  • Brett D

    Brett D


    I have attended Sunday services here and have to say that the folks here are very nice and welcoming to all. They talk about families, eternal love and selfless service. The book is blue and the church is true!

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