Mongolian National Modern Art Gallery i Ulaanbaatar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MongolietMongolian National Modern Art Gallery


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Соёлын Төв Өргөө-Б Сүхбаатарын талбай 3, Ulaanbaatar 14200, Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 11 32 7177
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Latitude: 47.9195705, Longitude: 106.9210461

kommentar 5

  • Narbt Tseren

    Narbt Tseren


    If you like art, you can't just bypass it.

  • Enza



    ‘Hidden identity’ art fair by Artofzaya. Hidden identity was one way very traditional Mongolian at the same time very modern like with hints of neon colors and different shades of blue. Traditional mother Mongolia with guns felt close to me as a Mongolian female gamer. It was on another level. I was amazed by all the new works that he had done. 👍

  • Baagii Suk

    Baagii Suk


    A perfect place to feel the tranquility with professionalism. Terrific arts work pieces yo experience.

  • Tabitha Sarver

    Tabitha Sarver


    I really enjoyed my time here! I'm not a serious critic by any means, but I liked the flow and the variety (a lot of traditional work and modern too). They have a small shop with work for sale as well, and the original piece I got was reasonably priced.

  • kingsley wray

    kingsley wray


    It's not a huge gallery but it has plenty of interesting art from traditional scenes to modern pieces that are moving. There are also sculptures and other examples of 3 dimensional art from what could be practical items to decorative pieces. There are incredibly intricately decorated bags as well as metal and ceramics. Worth a visit for the tiny entrance fee.

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