Mongolian Quilting Centre i Ulaanbaatar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MongolietMongolian Quilting Centre



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Seoul Street, Ulaanbaatar, Sukhbaatar, MN Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 9909 9930
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.9127682, Longitude: 106.8974313

kommentar 5

  • harriet phillipson

    harriet phillipson


    This place is amazing, a really broad range of products from reusable shopping bags to wall hangings. They’re welcoming and the refurbishment looks great.




    hand made goods

  • Maxwell Buchan

    Maxwell Buchan


    Lovely Non-Profit shop in the heart of UB wonderful selection of quilts and many unique items hand stitched by the nomadic women of Mongolia. Profits go directly back to the women who create these beautiful quilts. I highly recommend stopping by to check out their products and pick up a unique one of a kind gift, I recommend buying more then one thing you will want to keep a gift for yourself!

  • Ellen Janosko-Buchan

    Ellen Janosko-Buchan


    Lovely little shop that sells beautiful handmade items made by local women. Great items for gifts while supporting the non-profit organization.

  • Jessica Brooks

    Jessica Brooks


    The Mongolian Quilting Centre is known more formally as the New Way Life NGO - established in 2005 to make a difference to the lives of disadvantaged and unemployed women. They are trained in the art of quilting, textiles and embroidery and use their skills to generate income for their families by crafting products to sell. Not only do the women of NWL make everyday items such as tote bags and tablecloths but also individual pieces of fabric artwork made from discarded and recycled material such as their stunning quilts. It is best to visit in person their small shop (also a base for the NGO) to see the range of beautiful products they make and sell. They have smaller items for those on a budget.

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