Mongolian Ways - Mongolia Tours & Travel i Улаанбаатар

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MongolietMongolian Ways - Mongolia Tours & Travel



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Chingeltei Duureg, 5th Khoroo, 6th Khoroolol, Building #17, Door #39, Улаанбаатар 15141, Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 11 33 0351
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.9239986, Longitude: 106.9023222

kommentar 5

  • Chris Blade

    Chris Blade


    My trip across Mongolia remains one of the most precious memories I have. Stunning landscapes & beautiful people.

  • Dawn Beresford

    Dawn Beresford


    First class, professional company with an outstanding informative guide. Our Tour Leader (Guide and interpreter) immersed us within the culture of his wonderful Country, with a sense of adventure and humour. His informative and cultural commentary opened our eyes to this remote and remarkably beautiful part of the World. Highly recommended. Many memories and life long friends were made along the way. If you want to experience the REAL MONGOLIA then this company is worth the money.

  • Tommy Tay

    Tommy Tay


    We had the most remarkable national park tour with Mongolia Way in 2016. The truly cared tour guide, wonderful itinerary arrangements with reasonable price. I would say it was the most adventurous and stunning journey in my life! Excellent!

  • Juan Farias

    Juan Farias


    Fantastic experiencia in one of the most beautiful countries I have been. The guide Tsoogi was very helpful and his knowledge of the geography and culture was awesome. He facilitated the interaction with small local communities and therefore gave us an opportunity to approach to theirs unique ways of life. Thanks to his navigation skills we very often got off the beaten track to get to reach some highlights such as monasteries or temples. Overall it was a great trip.

  • David Oades

    David Oades


    We had the most amazing time in Mongolia thanks to the team at Mongolian Ways! They took us to some truly special places and everything went according to plan. What a special country Mongolia is with some super friendly people and breathtaking landscapes. We will never forget our trip there and can highly recommend Mongolian Ways for their professionalism, logistical expertise and superb guides!

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