Mountain View Guest House i Murun

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MongolietMountain View Guest House



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5-38-7 Moron Murun MN-041, Murun, Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 8855 8399
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Latitude: 49.6455115, Longitude: 100.1749547

kommentar 5

  • Dimitri Suter

    Dimitri Suter


    im from switzerland and travelling eith my girlfriend. its a very nice guesthouse. we felt very comfortable. everything is made of with lots of love. thumb up.

  • en

    clémentine Prugne


    This is à very nice and cozy. Tuksuu and her family are great, nice poeple. They can help you for everything, even planning trips. It was wonderfull to meet them. And there is a shower at the guesthouse.

  • en



    The owner, Tugsuu, and her family are really nice and welcoming. Tugsuu does everything she can to make her guests feel welcome and at ease. I had a wonderful time at her place and as I stayed almost a month in Mörön I got to know her and I can tell that she is a great person. I strongly recommend her place. Thank you very much Tugsuu!

  • en

    Thibaut Vogel


    I had an amazing stay at Mountain views, Tugsuu has a really nice family and will make sure you have an amazing stay in Mongolia. She can cook mongolian food and organize tours to Khovsgol lake and the reindeers family. Would definitely recommend it !

  • Achdiyatma sudiro

    Achdiyatma sudiro


    I'm solo traveler from Indonesia, and work as a volunteer to teach English on the owner English Club. It was really nice experience to stay in here. the owner very helpful, they are happy family with 2 cute kids,, and very hospitable. They also provide the trip around Mongolia. you can ask directly to the owner about the trip and price. Good luck and enjoy. I hope this comment will help every traveler who are traveling in the north part of Mongolia

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