New Ulaanbaatar International Airport i Dzuunmod

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MongolietNew Ulaanbaatar International Airport


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Zuunmod - Buren Road, Dzuunmod, Sergelen, MN Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.6514318, Longitude: 106.8215774

kommentar 5

  • Munkhbaatar Oyu

    Munkhbaatar Oyu


    Not working

  • ClearWay Law

    ClearWay Law


    The love of Mongolia 🇲🇳

  • Otgonbadam D

    Otgonbadam D



  • k m

    k m


    dangerous! take care of this taxi driver! Driver ID 377 Buyankhishig.G Take this person's taxi and meter! How do you match? Even if I say in a fairly big voice, I pretend to be inaudible and ignore. And after I arrived at the airport with a high price I didn't take out my luggage for the trunk. Attention to this person! Take care of this f ○ cking driver! he will ask you doble price he is bad mind driver! Outrageous weather, Soga shouted out.车 车 装 装 装 装 装 问 问 问 不 不 想 想 想 想 想 宾馆 帮 宾馆 帮 宾馆 帮 宾馆 帮 应该, 应该 事.场 场 让 让 让 按 头 按 头 按 的 一 指 下, 又 指 指 下 然 然 然 然 2 2.去 么 第一 第一 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 而 而 给 够 给 够 给 够 给 够 给 够 价 就 就 就, 给, 给 给 给, 很脏 啊 很脏 啊 训 ... teacher一定 租车 一定 一定 宾馆, 宾馆 不能 不能 放, 如 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 议 议 如 如 议. k ふ

  • Pascale B

    Pascale B


    Small airport, only one door for boarding (it's a bit disturbing when looking on the charts the door number for boarding ..) which then opens on several doors to enter the destination plane. A real museum, a magnificent life-size statue of a Mongolian warrior with his horse all 2 with their impressive armor in the duty free zone which is really luxurious. Many cashmires obviously.

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