Old Olympic Stadium i Ulaanbaatar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MongolietOld Olympic Stadium


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Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976
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Latitude: 47.9214533, Longitude: 106.9492906

kommentar 5

  • Batmunkh Batchuluun

    Batmunkh Batchuluun



  • Tserennyam Sukhbaatar

    Tserennyam Sukhbaatar


    Now, it is getting better. Hopefully, every construction will be done by this summer. Finally it will be a nice sport complex with soccer field, tennis & basketball courts and a place for skaters. It is close to a few bus stations and surrounded by apartments and grocery stores. Soviet guys built this first and later abandoned. Now it is restored again. So, happy for it.

  • Layto Tomin

    Layto Tomin


    Sweet home matha fackers

  • Caleb Sprenger

    Caleb Sprenger


    Very excellent field!!! Came here a lot as a kid and learned that it really doesn’t take much to have hours of fun. Many great people such as the Baergs, the Sebalds, the Mills, Daniel Feretti, and so many others lived near this legendary plot of land. We played soccer, baseball, and many other field games here and always got so much enjoyment out of it. Sure there was gravel and glass.. and every year someone made an ice skating rink in the field out of a dirt berm that we always had to remove to play our games, and occasionally kids would stomp off angrily cause their team lost the game and they would punch their siblings, but even so, we formed great scars and memories here that will last our lifetimes. Hopefully this field lives on for years and years to come.

  • Cja2001 Tools

    Cja2001 Tools


    Empty field. But interesting experience!!

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