Sixt Rent a Car - Ulaanbaatar Airport - Meet & Greet в Улаанбаатар

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МонголияSixt Rent a Car - Ulaanbaatar Airport - Meet & Greet


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Chinggis Khan Int. Airport Ulaanbaatar, Улаанбаатар 17120, Mongolia
контакты телефон: +976 8600 7259
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 47.852856, Longitude: 106.762908

Комментарии 5

  • Quinten Manteleers

    Quinten Manteleers


    Very reliable and well located.

  • Isabelle Lacroix

    Isabelle Lacroix


    Do not rent from sixt, they are thieves, they collect a deposit and do not return it, even with an end of rental paper which states that the vehicle is ok. 1400 euros which should have been returned 6 days after, 6 months after no news despite various emails and registered mail.

  • Islay Petrie

    Islay Petrie


    So my boyfriend and I chose Sixt Mongolia for our once in a lifetime adventure and it was one of the best decisions we ever made. First of all our car was fantastic. We ran into only a few problems (caused by ourselves lol) over the course of 25 days and driving over 6000 kilometers. Whenever we had any issues Max and Itgel were there to help us every step of the way to get us up and running as soon as possible. They couldn't have been more kind and helpful people. I always felt safe to call them with any questions and thats something you don't find at any rental car company. Also... when we met Max at the office we didn't have a plan yet for our road trip and he spent a solid hour out of his morning helping us plan the best possible route and I can honestly say every single recommendation he had was incredible. We couldn't have had a better time. Ive traveled here, there, and everywhere, and this was one of the best trips i've done and i owe that to Sixt Mongolia. Amazing company and incredible people. Thanks Max and Itgel.

  • Pierre Dessy

    Pierre Dessy


    Very nice experience and great customer services. We booked the car before our flights, reason why we had to change a little the booking days of the car. No problem for Itgel. We got an answer in less than 24h with the new booking. The day of our arrival, we had 24h delay. Itgel brought the car to the airport and took the time to explain us every to know about the car and driving in Mongolia even if it was already 1 am. The service was professional and flexible which are very precious when you arrive in a foreign country. Highly recommended if you want to drive by yourself.

  • M McG

    M McG


    Beware! This company is awful they did not meet me at the airport as arranged and had to take a taxi to meet them and the car reserved was old and not usable. They are a very disappointing dishonest company.

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