The Blue Sky Hotel and Tower i Ulaanbaatar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MongolietThe Blue Sky Hotel and Tower


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17, Peace Avenue, Ulaanbaatar, Sukhbaatar, MN Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 7010 0505
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Latitude: 47.9163033, Longitude: 106.9187255

kommentar 5

  • Hui Leng choo

    Hui Leng choo


    nice business hotel, one of the better ones in town, very stable and good Wi-Fi, only complaint is the breakfast menu doesn't change at all! so I had the same food when I was there for business for six days..

  • LJ Cruickshank

    LJ Cruickshank


    Great view of city. But very hot. Good was fantastic and very reasonably priced.

  • Rob Albion

    Rob Albion


    Great hotel in central location with excellent staff.

  • Coolio Tolik

    Coolio Tolik


    Clean, good service. But the first floor coffee is bad and furnitures tend to look outdated.

  • Nicolas Goldring

    Nicolas Goldring


    Ulaanbaatar serves as the high-tech, modern heart of Mongolia. And within this city is The Blue Sky Hotel and Tower, whose fluorescent cerulean shine, representing the eternal blue skies of Mongolia, and smooth, streamlined physiology represents the country's future.

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