The Corporate Hotel i Ulaanbaatar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MongolietThe Corporate Hotel


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Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 11 33 4411
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Latitude: 47.913108, Longitude: 106.914106

kommentar 5

  • en



    Not very friendly...will not return or recommend.

  • mohamed imran

    mohamed imran


    For breakfast you can get tasty food, Friendly staff, you can get fruit juice and milk cheese, various grains, butter, fruit salad.

  • Evaldas Grenda

    Evaldas Grenda


    Nice hotel, very good for various corporate events.

  • Myron Mendes

    Myron Mendes


    We stayed at the one in the city. The rooms were nice and spacious. The service at the front desk is good. The breakfast is OK. Not much variety. The wifi is really good here.

  • Brenda Boucher

    Brenda Boucher


    I have stayed here on several occasions for both short stays (a few days) and a longer stay (4 weeks). As other reviewers have stated, it is very accessible to downtown stores and restaurants, as well as museums. The staff are very friendly (both front desk and restaurant) and they are keen to cater to visitor needs. The rooms are a little tired (carpets for example), but the beds are comfortable; WiFi is strong and consistent and it is generally quiet. They will be renovating the lobby at the end of October which could make it noisy....And of course, as others have indicated, the free breakfast is very good. Cappuccino and lattes used to be complimentary , but there is now a charge....My last stay created some awkwardness regarding tipping; though I am told there is no tipping in Mongolia, the drivers and porters appear to expect one......

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