The Fine Arts Zanabazar Museum i Ulaanbaatar

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MongolietThe Fine Arts Zanabazar Museum



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Sambuu Street, Ulaanbaatar, Chingeltei, MN Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 11 32 6060
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Latitude: 47.920188, Longitude: 106.909353

kommentar 5

  • Happy Mongolia Tour

    Happy Mongolia Tour


    Many master piece or work of Zanabazars work. Specially Green tara. There are Five Diyany Buddhas bronze statue.

  • Marc Thornley

    Marc Thornley


    I would have to say that it was a small but very interesting little history of Mongolian Art. The tools of the smiths were an interesting addition as well as the paintings of the 2013 politaical upheavals. Maybe needed a few more translations in English, French etc to give the tourists a better chance to understand the exhibits.

  • Matthias B.

    Matthias B.


    Interesting exhibits. If you get the audio guide, be prepared to stand in front of each exhibit for up to 10 minutes. I think Mongolians have a different way of talking about history. For me the guide is very repetitive and too detailed. But interesting nonetheless

  • TingChun Chang

    TingChun Chang


    Good place to be. Very cheap ticket with audi guide. Don't forget to show student ID.

  • Richard Loat

    Richard Loat


    This fine arts museum is one of the rare museums in Mongolia which is able to capture the history of art in the country. the museum offers audio guides which are free for everyone, and also coming English. They're collection of appliquer and paintings and other traditional Mongolian art is second to none. The appliquer you will see is the biggest in the country and their pieces are so impressive.

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