Tous Les Jours- Huuhdiin 100 i Ulaanbaatar

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MongolietTous Les Jours- Huuhdiin 100



🕗 åbningstider

Khoroo 3, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 7510 0151
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Latitude: 47.9131311, Longitude: 106.9045147

kommentar 5

  • Urangoo Ariuntugs

    Urangoo Ariuntugs


    Used to really love the bakery. This time I went I got my all time fave red velvet cake but it was sooo dry and hideous to say the least. The quality of this branch has plummeted so far and needs a serious management change or improvement. Would recommend the central tower branch instead.

  • Choisuren Natsagdorj

    Choisuren Natsagdorj


    Electric plug had problem where I sit. Otherwise All good.

  • Nyambayar Batbayar

    Nyambayar Batbayar


    Waited for my omelette for 24 minutes. I asked for refund because I needed to go. Neither got my money back or an apology. Waited for another 2 minutes and the omelettes arrived. Bad service for today.

  • Melody S

    Melody S


    The place is nice and spacious. I mostly go there to meet people. Their coffee and teas are not the best and little bit of overpriced but the pastries are good. They offer variety of cakes, pies, cookies and other pastries. They also offer breakfast and brunch. Their cashiers need to learn to greet and smile when they serve customers. Overall, nice place to enjoy brunch on weekends.

  • Anujin1030



    Clean environment, good workers and fresh pastries. Clean restrooms also. However sometimes the cakes can be old and they would deny when told. Idk man, I guess anyone would deny but still. Shrek disappointed in lies.

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