Tuushin hotel i Ulaanbaatar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MongolietTuushin hotel


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ЕС А.Амарын Гудамж, 14200, Ulaanbaatar, Sukhbaatar, MN Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 11 32 5850
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Latitude: 47.9204849, Longitude: 106.9207753

kommentar 5

  • en

    Joe Jonas


    Clean and large rooms. Good facility and location. Only 2 minutes walk from central square. Staffs are friendly.

  • en

    Александр Кондарев


    Good Hotel but not good staff. Not everyone speaks English and cannot stick to the same decision, but always changing it..

  • Pedro Viana

    Pedro Viana


    Good rooms, service and common areas, very well located!

  • Manuel Cocco

    Manuel Cocco


    This hotel has a good value for money is not the most expensive or luxurious hotel but is still quite decent and has a very good Lounge Bar in the rooftop 25th floor. the first floor restaurant and cafeteria is where you get breakfast and is quite acceptable and generally speaking the room service and the quality of the hotel and the service is quite good value for money

  • Titi Anggraini

    Titi Anggraini


    Clean and warm Hotel. Recommended.

nærmeste Spa

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