Goyo Travel - Mongolia Tours в Ulaanbaatar

МонголияGoyo Travel - Mongolia Tours



🕗 время открытия

Peace Avenue, Ulaanbaatar, Sukhbaatar, MN Mongolia
контакты телефон: +976 11 31 3050
Веб-сайт: www.goyotravel.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 47.9146762, Longitude: 106.8958054

Комментарии 5

  • David O'Connor

    David O'Connor


    Great kayaking trip with Goyo travel! I have lived in Mongolia for over 6 months now and have seen a lot of tours. Goyo's tours are the most professional and personal ones I have come across. I did a kayaking trip out to beautiful Terelj national park. The trip was very well run with great new inflatable kayaks that were perfect for the flowing river. There were plenty of horses and nice sections of flowing river and we didn't see another tourist the whole trip. The guides and driver were also great, being enthusiastic and knowledgeable. I would recommend Goyo travel to anyone looking for a well run tour. Thank you Goyo travel!

  • Adrian Summers

    Adrian Summers


    Just returned to Ullanbattar after a fantastic journey with Goyo Travel. I highly recommend this company and hope to return again soon.

  • daniel gates

    daniel gates


    Our family had a stopover on our Trans-Siberian rail trip. We used Goyo and were thrilled. Goyo organized home stays with friendly families in stunning locations, planned top-notch activities like horse riding and rafting and exposed us to the best Mongolia has to offer. Our guide Bakhsoo and our driver Togsoo were both kind and professional. Goyo makes the extra effort to get visitors touch with the authentic Mongolia ... as a result we have been left with absolutely unforgettable memories. Cannot recommend more highly. Thank you Goyo!

  • Caleb Wolverton

    Caleb Wolverton


    Having worked for Goyo Travel as a kayak guide for four summers, I cannot speak highly enough about this company. It is by far the most organized and trustworthy travel company in Mongolia. All of the office staff, guides, and drivers are carefully selected and trained to make sure that guests to Mongolia are comfortable, well-informed and, most importantly, safe during their entire trip. Itineraries are flexible and creative and the trips are tailored to the interests of the guests, which is not typical among other travel companies in Mongolia. They also offer ways of experiencing the countryside that are unique, like kayaking and hot air ballooning. I have been traveling in Mongolia for more than 7 years and no trips have compared to those with Goyo Travel. They have figured out the balance of the toughness of the Mongolian countryside with well-thought-out comforts right when they know you will need them. If you are thinking of really experiencing Mongolia, Goyo Travel is the way to go for sure!

  • Six Sigma Mongolia

    Six Sigma Mongolia


    Top three reasons to choose Goyo Travel: 1. Safety: They customize all the trips according to each customer needs, so they were very flexible during the trip. They provide safety car seat for the kids and customize the food according to our diet needs. This made it very easy to travel with kids and we felt very safe and comfortable. 2. Best drivers: We had a driver who used to deliver mails to the nomads. So he never got lost which was amazing since there were no road signs and mostly dirt road or no road at all sometimes in the Gobi region. 3. Staying with real nomadic family: We've stayed with 3 different families and our kids got to stay away from their phones and play in the river, ride horses, and even learnt how to make fried dumplings. Staying with a nomadic family really gave us the local and authentic experience. Anyone who is looking to travel to Mongolia as a family, we recommend Goyo Travel.

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