Mongolian Military Museum в Ulaanbaatar

МонголияMongolian Military Museum



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Монгол цэргийн музей, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
контакты телефон: +976 7011 2844
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 47.9226726, Longitude: 106.9533106

Комментарии 5

  • James Bowden

    James Bowden


    The Military Museum is a great place and certainly should be on your plans to visit when you come to UB and to Mongolia. The museum does have English placards and some of the staff have a basic understanding of English. The museum is fairly large and, you could get through it fairly quickly if you are in a rush, but I took my time and I am planning on returning because of my background. The staff was friendly and responsive to questions. The interior and exhibits were much better than I anticipated given the quality and type of photos available on Google.

  • Jaroslav Madacki

    Jaroslav Madacki


    The Mongolian Military Museum also known as the Museum of the Mongolian Armed Forces, is located in northern Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. It explains Mongolian military history dating back to the Mongol Empire. It is currently located across from an army barracks. The museum is part of the Ministry of Defense. The concept of an all-Mongolian museum of military history was initially proposed by Minister of Military Affairs Marshal Gelegdorjiin Demid (1932-1937), but the museum was not established until years later. On 21 January 1966, The Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party's Central Committee held a meeting to establish The Mongolian Army Museum. The relevant document on its establishment (decree №2) is itself situated in the modern museum. After over 20 years of research, the museum's groundbreaking ceremony took place on 24 October 1987 in the presence of General Secretary Jambyn Batmönkh, Defence Minister Jamsrangijn Jondon and other party officials. The museum building held its opening ceremony on 15 March 1996 after which it received its first visitors. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj standing in front of a statue of Zhukov at his house-museum during a ceremony commemorating the 70th anniversary of Khalkhin Gol. Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov's summer home in Mongolia during the Battles of Khalkhin Gol was an historical building in the capital and independent of the Ministry of Defense prior to 1990 when it was transferred to the Mongolian Military Museum that year. The museum currently contains 8,000 historical Mongolian army-related possessions. Two halls contain more than 3,000 exhibits specifically related to the structure of the armed forces and interventions made by Mongolia military personnel, including a display from the Mongolian Expeditionary Task Force in Operation Enduring Freedom, its display featuring rocket shrapnel that landed on an Mongolian compound at Al Diwaniyah. The museum also has two rare Russian Mosin–Nagant bolt-action, internal magazine–fed, military sniper rifles in its inventory. Throughout the exhibition halls, military artifacts spanning hundreds of years are displayed, from weapons and military tactics of the Mongol Empire to the Soviet-style uniforms of the Mongolian People's Army.

  • Adam Atkinson

    Adam Atkinson


    I had mixed feelings about this museum. It only costs $1 USD but I did the whole museum in about 20 minutes and was underwhelmed. There is almost no English and I was the only one in the place. I guess I would recommend it if you are bored and already did the main museum.

  • Martina Morini

    Martina Morini


    Interesting place for a short visit. Is not a very touristic place and many information are collected there. Unfortunately, none of those in English.

  • Kelvin Chan

    Kelvin Chan


    Wish it could be better & price a bit high just because if need to take photos

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