Tourist Information Center в Ulaanbaatar

МонголияTourist Information Center


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Olympic 9, 14210, Ulaanbaatar, Sukhbaatar, MN Mongolia
контакты телефон: +976 8600 7259
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 47.91563, Longitude: 106.919691

Комментарии 5

  • Oriol Parera Villacampa

    Oriol Parera Villacampa


    Don't let them fool you with their fancy website! They are just an intermediary, and a really bad one. They claim to be able to offer you any experience but at the end they will take your money and transfer the responsability to third parties. They have a really bad service when arranging the tour, it could take many days for them to answer you. Also the responses prove a huge lack of knowledge of the country. The worst is after your payment is being done, then they just ignore you and do not even answer your emails when some problem or question arise. Becareful with the spokesperson, the worst tourist planner by far and deceitfully. Many irregularities surround this company. You must not use this one even if the price seems good, it will cost you more in the future.

  • Belén García García

    Belén García García


    Don't trust them your time nor your money

  • Tanika Heijnen

    Tanika Heijnen


    DON'T DO BUSINESS WITH THEM Not worth the one star, they claim false information on their website. You can not drive a campervan through Mongolia, we hired it with them for 3 weeks, only to find out we can't drive it - no suiteble roads - they gave us a route which isn't doable, when confronting them they just have been rude saying the money is paid so they didn't care. We ended up renting a 4x4 with an other company, as we couldn't go on with the campervan and are only once in Mongolia, they simply didn't care. We lost all our money and ended up overspending way more. Worst CS ever. Want more ridiculous details? Email me. Never use this company, they only care for money. // responding to their comment ::Nomin you know you re lying, we have sent you an email about put concerns and you have been very rude, and you know it. Please don't do this to other traveller's as we- traveller's- would love people to explore your beautiful country, just not with you! As they will be disappointment with your service and lies.

  • Michael Köppel

    Michael Köppel


    Thank you Nomin for your quick and helpful emails.

  • Shiatsu in Schwabing Susanne Eichhammer

    Shiatsu in Schwabing Susanne Eichhammer


    We had a wonderful trip and were very well looked after! Highly Recommended!!! We had a great trip !!! Absolutely recommended !!!

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