URGOO 3 Cinema & IMAX i Ulaanbaatar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MongolietURGOO 3 Cinema & IMAX



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12-1, Olympic Street, Ulaanbaatar, Sukhbaatar, MN Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 7011 7711
internet side: www.urgoo.mn
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 47.9128675, Longitude: 106.9218679

kommentar 5

  • Tuguldur Lkhagvadorj

    Tuguldur Lkhagvadorj


    Really enjoyed spending time here. Usually not so crowded. Parking is too expensive.

  • en

    Enkhtenger Naranbaatar


    This is mongolian best movie theater. Placed in Shangri-la. Its very huge , comfortable. I think price is little expensive. But its alright , because its IMAX cinema. You can feel inside in movie and more than anything- more than 3D, more than digital projection, more than crazy schemes. I like it. So come and join in fun

  • en

    Belgudei Bebi


    I went to last weekend this place. i watched movie name is "single ladies 3". This movie is amazing. Imax is so great and mongolian's famous cinema. Mongolian imax is Urguu 3. This cinema is lovely, spectacular and snug. Urguu's workers are very cultured. I'd like to Urguu 3 cinema. People watch movies at this place. Because they are very kind and interesting. The movie watch hall is very nice.

  • Batbayar Sukhbaatar

    Batbayar Sukhbaatar


    Distance between stage and screen is great. Feels comfortable compared to other cinemas. Placed in Shangri-La which makes good options to spend waiting time.

  • Simon Zimmermann

    Simon Zimmermann


    The cinemas are all super new obviously and everything is very well thought through. There's a place to eat and drinks on the same floor, 3rd. The very attentive staff knows when you're stumped by the unfamiliar alphabet letters on the ticket and will guide you to your cinema. By the way, танхим 2 on the upper right of the receipt means 'hall 2'.

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