Blue Marmot Hostel&Tours i Улаанбаатар

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MongolietBlue Marmot Hostel&Tours


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Door#1B, 20/2 Apartment, Selbe Khotkhon, 1st Khoroo, Bayanzurkh District., Улаанбаатар 13381, Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 9516 1019
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Latitude: 47.919766, Longitude: 106.9319637

kommentar 4

  • RUslan Ergazi

    RUslan Ergazi


  • Borgil Naranchuluun

    Borgil Naranchuluun


  • Marianne Rohner

    Marianne Rohner


    Friendly owner who gave us a lift with his car to the Gandan Temple. As the hostel had moved to another location after we had booked, he even gave us some discount as he was short of cash. The hostel is an appartment behind the main street (quiet) about 17 min on foot to the main square. There are two bedrooms and a dormitory. Our room was very spacious with a wardrobe, bedside table, two tiny chairs and a table. The furniture, bathroom, kitchen ..are old. The cheapest beds are in a large room with the only door to the community kitchen. Small lockers for valuables are available. Wi-fi is free of charge.

  • Jargalmaa G

    Jargalmaa G


    Central location,only 10 minutes walk along the Peace Avenue,Ulaanbaatar

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