The Blue Sky Hotel and Tower i Ulaanbaatar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MongolietThe Blue Sky Hotel and Tower


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17, Энх Тайваны Өргөн Чөлөө, Ulaanbaatar, Sukhbaatar, MN Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 7010 0505
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.9163889, Longitude: 106.9186111

kommentar 5

  • zane copeland

    zane copeland


    Great hotel some updates have been missed (probably during COVID shutdowns).

  • ju_ werz

    ju_ werz


    Beautiful hotel with top food




    A modern, comfortable and beautiful place to rest with excellent amenities, a friendly staff available to make each guest feel at home, each requirement is resolved in favor of the guests. I will definitely return next year 2021.

  • John Goh

    John Goh


    Fantastic staff. Comfy duvet beds. Strong water pressure. Delicious buffet spread. Strategic location right opposite Parliament square. Great sunrise/sunset views.

  • Han JaeSeung (Han)

    Han JaeSeung (Han)


    The concierge was incredibly responsible and willing to help. But how pleasant the stay is, really depends on which floor you stay I think. I was staying executive king room with the corner view at 12th floor, and if it were a little bit noisier I would have not been able to sleep. I was expecting the view from the catalog(website), but the window was covered with dust and very opaque. Only one window was really transparent. No doubt this place can be the best place to stay in Mongolia, but experience is not 5 star honestly. If I'm staying there again, I'll make sure that the room is located in high enough floors(13+), and I'll stay in normal room(not even deluxe). If I want view, I can go to Lounge anyway. Sounds like I'm angry, but I'm very satisfied. Best stay I have ever had in a while. Good bed, kind service and nice location. I personally didn't experience rusty water, which seems to be really rare.

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