Double Shot Restaurant i Ulaanbaatar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MongolietDouble Shot Restaurant



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Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 9414 8208
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Latitude: 47.9049535, Longitude: 106.9113538

kommentar 5

  • Bernard van der Haegen

    Bernard van der Haegen


    Was there only one time. Food and draft beer is excellent. Not the cheapest price but the price is fine for the food you get.

  • tslmge



    share food n drinks are good. lunch is kinda bad.

  • Tulga Enkhtaivan

    Tulga Enkhtaivan


    Waited for an hour for a lunch set.. waiter apologized for overloading, but there were only few customers... the restaurant shouldnt recommend lunch sets if cant keep up with the load

  • Altantuya Chinbaatar

    Altantuya Chinbaatar


    It has few selection of business lunch sets including soup, bread, small salad and main dish. Size is not big, so people who likes to eat bigger for lunch, it might not be good choice. Food tastes sometimes good sometimes not really good. It is also good place for smaller groups for night out. Most tables are for 2-4 people.

  • Taivan S

    Taivan S


    Went there for a family brunch. Since it was a the weekend and in the early hours was nice an quite. The staff were friendly, the food was good.

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