Шоколадница i Ulaanbaatar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Khoroo 1, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 7577 0440
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 47.902696, Longitude: 106.9114636

kommentar 5

  • Enkhgerel Enkhly

    Enkhgerel Enkhly


    Their food portion is very less I've just tries New York sandwich their and it's only half sandwich but worth 7000 tugrug, and the worst thing is the sandwich contains only toasted bread and few slice of steamed beef and poor cheese, not New York sandwich at all never tried that kinda New York sandwich, really disappointed There are so many good coffee shops in UB so better go to other coffee shops dear visitors.

  • Bulga Och

    Bulga Och


    Bad service. Worse than dog food.

  • Tsundere lover

    Tsundere lover


    i just waited drink another 10 minutes. what you decided to order unfortunately they do not have it. just say please order another one etc. Food is not bad except service.

  • Dulguun Bolor

    Dulguun Bolor


    Super unorganized, served my meal to another table. I had to wait for 55 mins just to receive my meal. Stuffs need some training, waitresses have no idea what they are doing. I felt like my sitting in a jungle. Definitely not coming back

  • Billy Bat

    Billy Bat


    Best coffee shop with nice yummy range of meal and sweets. Also can get nice sushi rolls. Affordable prices, cozy environment...

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