Drive Mongolia i Ulaanbaatar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MongolietDrive Mongolia



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Ikh Toiruu Street Khoroo 3, 24-1 Ulaanbaatar Bayangol District, Ulaanbaatar 16051, Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 9917 6004
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.9130406, Longitude: 106.8940808

kommentar 5

  • Thomas Browning-Stamp

    Thomas Browning-Stamp


    The best hire company in Mongolia. Prices are really fair when you factor in the customer care you get and need while you are driving in Mongolia. Any problems are solved and the support you recieve from Drive Mongolia is next level, brilliant. We currently work in Mongolia and will use Drive Mongolia for any of our vehicle and expedition needs. Currently 4 times and counting!!! Amazing company. Thank you so much.

  • James Davidson

    James Davidson


    I think for the western price you would expect a western service. This is not the case. But not terrible.

  • Antonio Cerveró

    Antonio Cerveró


    They asked 110 USD for a day on a Honda 650cc more than 20 years old. When I asked for a smaller bike (250cc) they said “is not suitable for 2 persons”. Even their own people were looking ashamed to the floor. There are much better options out there that will focus on provide you a suitable bike instead trying to scam you.

  • Chris H.

    Chris H.


    I rented a Nissan Patrol 4x4 for 3 weeks. The car was in a very good condition, I had no issues on my 3100km Trip. On top, the communication with the company in advance such as during my trip was very good. Strongly recommended.

  • Phil *Ol Gil* Sylvester

    Phil *Ol Gil* Sylvester


    For self-driving options in Mongolia you are probably going to find yourself looking at Drive Mongolia as the rental agency. For our week long trip we had a couple different mechanical issues that unfortunately took hours away from our short time there. However, the staff at Drive Mongolia was very responsive and helped us get back on the road as quickly as possible. If you’re up for the adventure, I highly recommend self-driving in Mongolia and recommend the added support provided by the folks at Drive Mongolia.

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