Sixt rent a car Ulaanbaatar/The Blue Sky Hotel i Ulaanbaatar

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MongolietSixt rent a car Ulaanbaatar/The Blue Sky Hotel


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12, Peace Avenue, 14210, Ulaanbaatar, Sukhbaatar, MN Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 8905 7259
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.9160808, Longitude: 106.9050926

kommentar 5

  • Alex Mills

    Alex Mills


    Had a great experience with Itgel at Sixt. Being silly tourists we managed to have our 4WD towed, and after explaining it to Itgel, he generously called up the towing agency and sorted things out, then closed shop and took us in a taxi to the towing yard and drove it home for us. A true lifesaver -- worthy of promotion!

  • Sébastien



    We rented a car there to travel to central Mongolia. The Experience was good. Itgel was friendly and helpful. I suggest if you want to travel out of the city to always get a 4x4. We got a Suzuki Jimny and these kind of cars are mandatory to travel.

  • Dominic Riemann

    Dominic Riemann


    Excellent service!!!

  • Daniel Goldbach

    Daniel Goldbach


    Great service and customer experience during our rental at Sixt Mongolia. Itgel already helped us a lot during the booking process in advance to find a suitable car for your 11 days round trip across Mongolia. When we arrived he took time to explain everything regarding the car and necessary to travel in Mongolia. The check out and check in procedure was very transparent. We also got a almost new car with only 7k km on the clock. I highly recommend to rent a car by sixt Mongolia and drive by yourself. It was a great experience to discover the country by our selfs. Just take enough time as traveling in Mongolia takes more time than in other countries. Definitely would do it again the same time. Thanks to Itgel for all of his help.

  • M. Bengü Uluengin

    M. Bengü Uluengin


    The agents were very helpful and friendly. I was trying to rent a 4x4 vehicle in the high season with short notice, and they did all they can to find me a vehicle. They were also very understanding with the over-mileage. Kudos to this team! Thank you so much :)

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