MexiKhan i Ulaanbaatar

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UNESCO Street, Ulaanbaatar, Sukhbaatar, MN Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 9339 1111
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Latitude: 47.9129086, Longitude: 106.9272795

kommentar 5

  • Kymbalee Johnsen

    Kymbalee Johnsen


    Won't be going back. Over priced for a cheap meal.

  • Saintulga M

    Saintulga M


    It used to be one of my favorite places. It offered a unique combination of dishes catering to the Mongolian palette but also maintaining the mexican cuisine inspiration. flour tortillas were amazing. but something happened. maybe the owner changed, but the chef changed for sure. the menu is still the same but the dishes are completely different from before and not in a good way. in a horrible way. shame.

  • Sukhbat Sandag-Ochir

    Sukhbat Sandag-Ochir


    I offer beef steak. It was delicious

  • 안알랴줌



    I had chicken burrito and beef tacos. Chicken burrito was great! It had somewhat meat flavor, though. Salsa was the best of all. However, beef taco's not really good. It was greasy and soggy, so it was hard to grab and eat. Also, like the one said before here, it was a huge portion. Servers are really kind.

  • Pranav Hundoo

    Pranav Hundoo


    Ask for additional jalapenos as the food is aligned to the Mongolian taste buds and authentic Mexican lovers can find it a little bland. But apart from the spice quotient extremely awesome experience. And the ambience is to die for.

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