Selena Travel Mongolia LLC в Ulaanbaatar

МонголияSelena Travel Mongolia LLC



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Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
контакты телефон: +976 7018 3499
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 47.915771, Longitude: 106.8577179

Комментарии 5

  • Виталий Штефуряк

    Виталий Штефуряк


    Selena Travel Mongolia - the leading tour operator of Mongolia offers: incentive, MICE travel, FIT groups, tailored group tours in Mongolia, China, Tibet and Russia. Our company is operated by highly-qualified tourism professionals, who work hard to fulfill the clients' travel dreams and expectations. - TOP 10 tour operator of Mongolia 2011, 2012 - Best for Conservation of Cultural Heritage 2009 award from Virgin Holidays Responsible Tourism Awards - Best Tour Operator 2009 from Mongolian Tourism Association - Best Tour Operator 2005 from Skal International Ecotourism - Best Management Award 2005 from Mongolian Tourism Association...

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    Joe Jonas


    Guide and driver were excellent. They know what the service should be like. I would highly recommend Selena.

  • Maria Coscia

    Maria Coscia


    The description of the tour sounded amazing but what was actually delivered was far from that. Given the price of our tour, the second of two hotel rooms on our Gobi trip was shocking in its squalor. We were expecting to see an evening performance, as it was on the itinerary we paid for, but it didn't happen. When we asked the tour guide what was going on, she blamed the booking office and said she had told them many times not to promise this event as it was inconsistent. No effort to compensate us for the absence of that evening of entertainment, just an excuse. The guide was strangely unwilling to give information about the tour area unless solicited by us, and at times, she was just unpleasant.

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    Steve Baily


    I went on the Discover True Mongolia 18 day tour in Aug. 2016. Selena fed me 3 times a day, made all sleeping arrangements, and took me by a comfortable 4x4 vehicle on a circular site seeing trip of a lifetime. We stopped in unannouced to 3 or 4 nomad families. What a treat to be welcomed and fed by them! The guide, Auggie, did everything that I asked of him and more. I rode the horses, camels and climbed the big sand dune to the top. What a fun trip this was. I love Mongolia!

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    Lucy Canney


    We have recently returned from a 3 week trip to Mongolia and China, with our tours organised by Selena Travel. We were a group of 4 adults and one 6-year-old child. All our guides were excellent.. they were very friendly and knowledgeable, and also flexible if we wanted to alter plans. Our drivers (and cook!) were also brilliant. We were taken to some truly incredible places, some of which were off-the-cuff decisions made by the drivers and guides, and which turned out to be almost the best parts of our expeditions! Thank you for such a wonderful experience.

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