BEST WESTERN PREMIER Tuushin Hotel i Ulaanbaatar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MongolietBEST WESTERN PREMIER Tuushin Hotel


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Ерөнхий сайд А.Амарын гудамж, 14200, Ulaanbaatar, Sukhbaatar, MN Mongolia
kontakter telefon: +976 11 32 3162
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.920286, Longitude: 106.920463

kommentar 5

  • Wei Kiat Yip

    Wei Kiat Yip


    Modern, comfortable and reasonably priced

  • en

    Maddie Taylor


    Very comfortable.hotel with large rooms and ensuite bathrooms. Huge breakfast buffet and tasty international food served on the top floor - where there is an incredible view and a good house band. Their airport taxis are expensive though Find it with the 3 word address: ///prouder.lime.outwit

  • Luke Williamson

    Luke Williamson


    The hotel was absolutely fine for my needs (business trip). The location is extremely good, and very central (great considering the traffic). Staff were very friendly and always keen to help. Room was large, spacious and clean. They even had it ready for an 8am arrival. Food was good in the hotel, and the view from the bar is great. Food/drink not particularly overpriced for an international hotel. Only downside was finding one of the free water bottles with an unbroken seal on arrival.

  • en

    John Myers


    Welcoming and helpful reception. Easy to deal with. Clean, neat and tidy motel. Resturantscare comfortable with good menu choices. Food is fresh, well cooked and presented. Staff are helpful. Spacious, well maintained rooms with all normal amenities. Well positioned in Ulaanbaatar Recommended without hesitation.

  • jaideep nigam

    jaideep nigam


    Great hotel, with awesome view of Sukhbaatar square. Great service and good breakfast. Taxi service is very costly as compare to outside rate.

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